/11 Get Your Personalized Productivity Training Program… in under 60 seconds NameEmail How much money does your business make? $0 $1-$1,000 $1,001-$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 $50,001-$100,000 $100,001-$500,000 $500,001-$1,000,000 + $1,000,001 How do you balance your work with personal time? I struggle to balance because I feel like I need to perfect my work before I can relax, which often leaves me with no personal time I avoid thinking about work when I'm stressed, which causes tasks to pile up and makes it harder to enjoy personal time I focus on work because I'm worried people will judge me if I don’t meet their expectations, leaving little time for myself I don’t set clear boundaries between work and personal time, and I often push myself too hard without considering my own well-being What do you tell yourself when you’re procrastinating? If I can’t do this perfectly, there’s no point in starting right now Thinking about this task stresses me out, so I’ll deal with it later when I feel less anxious If I mess this up, people will think I’m incompetent, so it’s safer to delay it for now I should be able to handle this easily. Why can’t I just get it done? I need to push myself harder How do you treat yourself when you make a mistake? I criticize myself for not getting it right and focus on how I could’ve done it perfectly I feel overwhelmed and try to avoid thinking about it because it makes me too anxious I worry about what others will think of me, replaying the mistake in my mind and fearing their judgment I’m really hard on myself, telling myself I should’ve done better and that I need to be more disciplined next time What’s your approach when a task feels too big or complicated? I feel like I need to plan everything perfectly before starting, or it’ll turn out badly I get overwhelmed and avoid it, hoping I’ll feel more ready later I worry that if I start and fail, people will think I’m not capable I tell myself I should be able to handle it easily, and when I don’t, I feel frustrated with myself How do you handle feedback or criticism? I take it personally because I expect myself to be flawless, so any criticism feels like failure It makes me anxious, and I try to avoid thinking about it to reduce stress I’m really hard on myself, thinking I should’ve done better and that I’ve disappointed others I beat myself up over it, thinking I should’ve done better When you think about failing, what’s your biggest concern? That I won’t meet my own high standards, and it’ll prove I’m not good enough That the stress of failing will be too overwhelming to handle That others will see me as a failure and judge me negatively That I’ll beat myself up over it and feel like I’m never doing enough After finishing a project, how do you usually feel? I focus on the flaws and think about how it could’ve been better Relieved that it’s over because the stress of doing it was exhausting Worried about how others will react to it, even if I did my best I criticize myself for not having done it perfectly, even if it turned out fine Why do you often delay starting tasks? Because I feel like I need to have the perfect plan before I can begin Because I’m afraid of doing it wrong and being judged by others Because thinking about the task makes me anxious, so I’d rather avoid it Because I feel like I should be able to start easily, and when it’s hard, I get frustrated with myself When starting a new task, what is the main thought that runs through your mind? I need to get this perfect, or it’s not worth doing This feels overwhelming—I’ll start it later when I feel less stressed What if I mess up and people think I’m not good enough? I should be able to handle this easily. Why does it feel so hard? How do you feel when facing a tight deadline? Panicked because I don’t have enough time to make it perfect Extremely anxious, which makes me want to avoid the task even more Worried that if I rush, people will judge my work harshly Frustrated with myself for not starting earlier, and I blame myself for struggling LinkedIn Facebook 0% Restart quiz By WordPress Quiz plugin